25 augustus 2010

Traveling and enjoying

I made a big plan to travel from Bogotá to the beautiful coast and desert of Colombia. But first I visited ones more the finca (estate/ land) en "la mesa" with my friends of theatre. This time my friends had bought the finca and they had built a huge "maloka" to have there sessions of yagé (ayawhasca medicine from the old Indians) inside. To celebrate this they invited "el abuelo" an Indian medicine man from Putumayo of 106 years old, his son and 3 other taita´s. It was so very special to be with 50 other open minded persons in this finca making music, dancing, getting a cleaning ritual from the "abuelo" (the grandfather) and enjoying the beautiful nature in the finca. The Indians of putumayo believe for thousands of years in a god, an afterlife, in the power of nature and natural medicines to clean their spirit.
The first night was really heavy, I vomited and thought I was going to die. Probably because I didn´t vomit for more then 15 years. But afterwards it gave me a lot of energy and a very nice feeling. I was really scared to take it again, but thought I better do it in this weekend, or I will probably never do it again. The second time, also a trip of 20 hours was great! probably because my body was clean, I lost (vomited) all my fears in the first round and I felt one with nature and the people around me. The abuelo was sitting in his hammock speaking in his language "siona", singing and playing music. Holding hands of people and giving rituals to clean body´s and spirits. After this long session he was not able to walk any more and 4 strong men brought him in his hammock to the house in the finca, 50 m further where his bed was. Like a little baby. And this grandfather of 106 years old only laughed. Didn´t care that he was lifted by the men and enjoyed the laughs and singing of all the people around him. Very special moment.
Right now I´m travelling to the north of Colombia. Visiting beautiful parks, lagunas, cañons, nature, desert, the ocean and villages along the road. Staying with families in their houses via couchsurfing, whenever it´s possible. I started close to Bogotá in the mountains where it is cold, until the ocean where there is a lot of sun and one of the most beautiful parks (number 8 in the world list). "Parque Tairona" with white beaches and jungle...

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