1 november 2010

My first ten days

When I just arrived I could stay with Melibea, Juan Gabriel and their baby Noah. They are the sweetest people and have an apartment in Bogotá and a farm in the mountains an hour and a half away from the capital.
The first things to arrange after my arrival were a place to live and my theater lessons. When I heard that there wouldn´t be any theater lessons in November, because there weren´t enough students, it had no use to find a house.
I decided to go for a long weekend to the farm in the mountains just to think what I should do for the next month. It was so relaxed, working on the land, making stuff from branches, feathers, beads, showering in a little waterfall and talking to the people who live there, I could stay there forever...
When I got back in town, one of the shamans (taita Gremo) made me an offer to go with him into the deep jungle of Putumayo and stay there for a week. Mmmm sounded like adventure!
And then the theater school sent me a mail that they found more students and there would be classes this month. So I stayed another long weekend on the farm to think this over and to enjoy the nature and yes I´m going in December with the shaman in the jungle and tonight I´ll go to my new room nearby the theater.
After ten days I can say that I found my way back in Bogotá.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Deze reactie is verwijderd door een blogbeheerder.

  2. Hallo lief zussie,

    Goed om te horen dat je al weer helemaal thuis voelt.
    Wat een keuzes allemaal. Klinkt allemaal goed. Al weer genoeg dingen om te doen komende weken. Je zou het nog bijna druk krijgen ;-).

    Dikke kus,Natasja

  3. Hoi Binkie
    Fijn, dat je weer het een en ander
    gaat beleven.
    Lieve groet en knuffel
    Bert en Suzan
