23 mei 2011

kisses from the dentist

My dental amalgam filling is broken. I had it for more then 25 years, so it is not so strange that it failed on me.
It´s always difficult to find a good dentist in a strange country, so I asked my friend Melibea if she knew a good dentist. And yes she did. He also takes yagé. I don´t know if this makes me trust him more....., but I didn´t have another option and went to see him last Friday. He was very friendly and gave me a free first consult just to see what was wrong.

When I called today to make a follow up consultation he ended the call with "nos vemos esta semana, un beso" "we see each other this week, a kiss". I guess only Colombian dentists will say this.
This Wednesday I´ll go for my consult. I hope he will do his job right! For me one of the most unsexy things is going to a dentist! Wish me luck!

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Hi Binkie!
    How did the dentist work out? I'm not a fan of them either, once skipped going for 7 years (-: I dare to take on a lot of adventures, but going to a strange dentist in a far away country wouldn't be one of my favorites (-:

    Enjoy the last part of the trip! Big hugs from Amsterdam!!

  2. I once had a cracked tooth in Ireland. There was no way in hell I was going to a dentist there if I could wait it out. Fortunately, I was able to come back to a California dentist who makes people look fabulous, Vegas-style.

  3. did it work out?
    love ya
